The prominent online sports betting and gambling platform,, which utilizes cryptocurrencies, has resumed regular operations following an unauthorized withdrawal incident.

The incident transpired on September 4th, impacting Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) on announced on X that certain “hot wallets” had been compromised. However, they assured users that their funds were secure. further clarified that only these specific wallets were affected, while other wallets, such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ripple, remained operational.

After conducting a thorough investigation, declared on X that all services had returned to normal. They confirmed that all services are back online and that deposits and withdrawals for all currencies are being processed promptly. They expressed regret for any inconvenience caused.

Certain news outlets have reported that $41.3 million was stolen. has refrained from providing any further details regarding the incident. Nevertheless, some individuals within the crypto community speculate that the company incurred a loss of $41.3 million.

Established in 2017, boasts a global user base exceeding half a million individuals. Their operations extend to diverse nations, including Canada, Brazil, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

Furthermore, has secured substantial sponsorship agreements with prominent football and UFC teams. Notably, they serve as sponsors for the Premier League club, Everton.’s UK-based website,, is managed by TGP Europe and holds a license from the UK Gambling Commission.

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This talented writer and mathematician holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and a Masters in Probability Theory. With a deep understanding of the intricacies of casino games, they have published numerous articles on game theory, probability, and combinatorics in relation to gambling. Their expertise in discrete mathematics and stochastic processes has made them a sought-after consultant for licensed casinos worldwide. Their articles, reviews, and news pieces provide valuable insights into the world of casino gaming.

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