iGB Affiliate London is introducing a fresh initiative, dubbed iGB Introducing, with the objective of facilitating connections among event participants.

This program aims to unite attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, and vendors at the 2023 iGB Affiliate London gathering. Clarion, the event organizer, anticipates this tool will facilitate the arrangement of “thousands” of meetings.

Naomi Barton, the portfolio director overseeing the iGB events brand, revealed that Clarion initiated this new program in response to feedback garnered from the 2022 event. Numerous attendees expressed a desire for a method to establish more connections.

“iGB Introducing is a direct response to the feedback we received from our attendees last year,” she stated. “We consistently strive to identify areas where we can enhance our offerings and subsequently develop solutions to fulfill the requirements of our clientele.”

“Independent research conducted by Explori revealed that while iGB Affiliate London enjoyed widespread popularity among visitors and exhibitors, a need persisted to assist individuals in forging new connections and cultivating relationships.”

Although a significant majority of participants discovered new customers, collaborators, and vendors at iGB Affiliate London, the desire for more connections remains robust. This is to identify goods, solutions, industry trends, and forge new business partnerships.

Barton highlighted that a connection procedure will be initiated in the weeks preceding the event, scheduled for February 8-11, to facilitate attendee connections.

“The connection process will commence in mid-January through the Swapcard application and culminate on-site via the iGB Introducing social hub and numerous business and networking gatherings that are an integral component of the iGB Affiliate London experience,” she stated.

iGB Introducing will encompass four stages. Participants can initially establish an online profile on Swapcard, subsequently select their meeting goals, then review and accept meetings, and finally, they can engage with their contacts in designated areas at the exhibition.

Individuals can click here to join the iGB Introducing roster.

“iGB Affiliate London 2023 will be the most extensive yet, and as the event continues to expand, we must assist visitors and exhibitors by providing meticulously curated social opportunities that will connect a diverse audience whose support has contributed to iGB Affiliate London’s position as the premier live event in the online gambling affiliate sector,” said Barton. “iGB Introducing is an element of this ongoing commitment.”

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This talented writer and mathematician holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and a Masters in Probability Theory. With a deep understanding of the intricacies of casino games, they have published numerous articles on game theory, probability, and combinatorics in relation to gambling. Their expertise in discrete mathematics and stochastic processes has made them a sought-after consultant for licensed casinos worldwide. Their articles, reviews, and news pieces provide valuable insights into the world of casino gaming.

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